Meter and a half

      Location: Museu Picasso (Barcelona), Spain
      Scale: 250 m2
      Promoter: Ajuntament de Barcelona – “Festival LLUMBCN2016”
      Award: Winners of the second prize
      Designers: Jaume Pla, Sergi Marzo, Xavier Bardina

This is a lighting project made in the “Pati Finestres” of the “Museu Picasso”. On this intervention, the continent space gives its role to the content space, occupying this property with a single theme: the color. Taking advantage that we were on the “Museu Picasso”, one of the most important museums in the city of Barcelona (and also for the painter), we tried to introduce the spectator into the color. It is an open courtyard and what we do is to fill in all this space with smoke (“fog”) and paint it with lights. The color of these lights fluctuate between three periods (the most representative) of the painter “Pablo Picasso” which are blue, pink and cubism. Moreover, this project is called “Meter and a half” because this is the distance when you stop seeing a person and you start seeing a silhouette. The closer you are, the stronger is the color of the shape. If you are farther, it is more disseminated.


In between

      Location: La Barceloneta (Barcelona), Spain
      Scale: 14500 m2
      Promoter: Roca Barcelona Gallery – “Urban Plunge Barcelona 2016”
      Award: Winners of the public prize
      Designers: Àlex Font, Anna Araguz, Armand Pérez, Eduard Jordana, Gerard Closa, Jaume Pla,
                        Joan Salvadó, Laura Torrico, Marc Trepat, Silvia Ripoll, Xavier Bardina

The city of Barcelona is known for its strong relationship with water. This is given either by the torrents that flow across it, by the rivers that limit and define the city or by the influence of its port. These torrents connect the “Collserola” mountain with the coast.
Understanding the project as water experiences in Barcelona and using natural filters with which we clean it, we propose a project composed by several platforms where different activities occur depending of the situation, the type of water and the season in which we are. As you go deeper into the project and begin to experience it, different leisure spaces and different water exploitations appear. People will always walk into our project by the water or the filters, where the water goes through, for them to acknowledge the water flow.
